Artikel in Fachzeitschriften vor 1993
- J. Algermissen, T. Weber and K. Maier, Polarized picosecond fluorescence measurements of dye molecules with optical upconversion in modified Michelson set-up, Engineering optics (1992), p. 111
- J.O. Metzger, C. Bicke, O. Faix, W. Tuszynski, R. Angermann, M. Karas and K. Strupat, Matrixunterstützte Laserdesorptions-Massenspektrometrie von Ligninen, Angew. Chem. 104, 777 (1992) (PDF)
- J.O. Metzger, C. Bicke, O. Faix, W. Tuszynski, R. Angermann, M. Karas and K. Strupat, Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Mass Spectrometry of Lignins, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 31, 762 (1992) (PDF)
- U. Hommerich, H. Eilers, E. Strauss and W.M. Yen, Optically Induced Lensing Effects in Nd3+-Doped Laser Glass Measured by Photothermal Beam-Deflection Spectroscopy, Optics Letters 17, 213 (1992)
- H. Eilers, E. Strauss and W.M. Yen, Photoelastic Effect in Ti3+-Doped Sapphire, Physical Review B 45, 9604 (1992)
- U. Hommerich and E. Strauss, Elastic Relaxation Around Excited Cr3+ Ions in Ed-2 Silicate Glass, Journal of Luminescence 48, 574 (1991)
- E. Strauss, J.P. Favier, D. Bicanic, K. Vanasselt, and M. Lubbers, Sensitive Colorimetric Determination of Ammonium Ion in Water by Laser Photothermal Detection, Analyst 116, 77 (1991)
- J. Algermissen, T. Weber and K. Maier, Polarized picosecond fluorescence measurements of dye molecules with optical upconversion in modified Michelson set-up, Measurement Science and Technology 2 (11), 1094 (1991)
- H.M. Liu, R. Knutson, W.Y. Jia, E. Strauss and W.M. Yen, Spectroscopic Determination of the Distribution of Cr3+ Sites in Mullite Ceramics, Physical Review B 41, 2888 (1990)
- E. Strauss, Bulk and Local Elastic Relaxation Around Optically-Excited Centers, Physical Review B 42, 1917 (1990)
- W. Jia, E. Strauss and W.M. Yen, Quenching of the 4T1-6A1 Transition of CsMnCl3×H2O by OH-Stretching Vibration, Journal of Luminescence 45, 451 (1990)
- J. Kosch, W. Seelert and E. Strauss, Distribution of Low Field Sites of Cr(III) in Silicate Glass from an Analysis of the Broad 4T2 Fluorescence Band, Journal of Luminescence 45, 105 (1990)
- D. Bicanic, J.P. Favier, E. Strauss, M. Lubbers and G. Fleuren, Low-Cost Colorimetric Measurement of Phosphate Trace Levels in Water and in Soil Solutions by the Collinear Photothermal Beam Deflection Method, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 38, 623 (1990)
- D. Bicanic, H. Jalink, H. Sauren, E. Strauss, M. Lubbers and W.D. Kunze, Photoacoustic Detection of Ortho-Phosphate in Aqueous-Solution, Water, Air and Soil Pollution 45, 115 (1989)
- W. Jia, W.M. Yen, K.H. Xia, M.G. Zhao and E. Strauss, Characterization of the Water of Crystallization in
CsMnCl3×2H2O(2D2O) by Raman-Scattering, Physical Review B 39, 2853 (1989)
- W. Tuszynski and E. Strauss, Four Emission Bands from a Quadrate Chromium(III) Complex, Journal of Luminescence 40/41, 276 (1988) (PDF)
- H.M. Liu, W.Y. Jia, K.S. Lim, W.M. Yen, E. Strauss, C.E. Byvik and A.M. Buoncristiani, Effects of Tensile-Stress on the R-Lines of Cr3+ in a Sapphire Fiber, Optics Letters 13, 931 (1988)
- E. Strauss and S. Walder, Photorefractive Effect and Observation of the Matrix Relaxation Around Photo-Excited Centers in Condensed Matter, Europhysics Letters 6, 713 (1988)
- W. Seelert and E. Strauss, Absolute Excited-State Absorption Cross-Section and Fluorescence Quantum Efficiency of Cr3+ -Gadolinium Scandium Gallium Garnet, Optics Letters 12, 798 (1987)
- W. Seelert and E. Strauss, Photocaloric Spectroscopy of the Excited-State Absorption and of the Fluorescence Quantum Efficiency in Fluorescent Material, Journal of Luminescence 36, 355 (1987)
- W. Tuszynski, B. Schaarschmidt and I. Lamprecht, Inactivation of Saccharomyces Cells by 8-Methoxypsoralen Plus Pulsed Laser Irradiation in the Wavelength Range 308 nm - 380 nm, Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 25, 55 (1986) (PDF)
- W. Tuszynski and G. Gliemann, Polarized Absorption Spectra of Tetracyanoplatinate(II) Single-Crystals, Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie 89 (9), 940 (1985)
- W.W. Keller, B.A. Albers, E. Strauss and K. Maier-Schwartz, Interactions and Energy-Transfer in Chlorophyll-A Aggregates Studied by Picosecond Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Journal of Luminescence 31, 892 (1984)
- E. Strauss and W. Seelert, Photocaloric Determination of the Fluorescence Quantum Efficiency - Cr3+ Ions in Amorphous and Crystalline Hosts, Journal of Luminescence 31, 191 (1984)
- I. Hidvegi, G. Gliemann and W. Tuszynski, Luminescence of K2Pt(SCN)4 Single-Crystals at High Pressure, Chemical Physics Letters 77 (3), 517 (1981) (PDF)
- W. Tuszynski and G. Gliemann, Polarized Crystal Absorption Spectra of Pd(II) and Pt(II) Tetrahalo and Tetrathiocyanato Complexes, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 34, 211 (1979)
- G. Bienek, W. Tuszynski and G. Gliemann, Electronic Single Crystal Spectrum of Binuclear Rhodium(II)-Acetate Hydrate Rh2(CH3COO)4.2H2O, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B 33, 1095 (1978)